

2018, Jul 22    

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Run quser.exe and return a proper PowerShell Object. I discussed this on my blog to enhance a StackOverflow answer. I ended up making this into a module: QuserObject. The source is on GitHub.

Quick Setup

  1. Install QuserObject: Install-Module QuserObject.
  2. Import QuserObject: Import-Module QuserObject.
  3. Start QuserObject: Get-Quser.


Quick Example

This will return the quser.exe results for the current computer (aka localhost).


Target a Server

This will return the quser.exe results for ThisServer.

Get-QuserObject -ServerName 'ThisServer'

Target Multiple Servers

This will return the quser.exe results for ThisServer and ThatServer.

Get-QuserObject -ServerName 'ThisServer', 'ThatServer'

Pipeline Multiple Servers

This will return the quser.exe results for ThisServer and ThatServer.

@('ThisServer', 'ThatServer') | Get-QuserObject

AD Computer

This will return the quser.exe results for ThisServer. The value is piped from a Get-ADComputer query.

Get-ADComputer 'ThisServer' | Get-QuserObject

AD Computer with Different Property

This will return the quser.exe results for ThisServer. This value is piped from a Get-ADComputer query and using the AD computer DNSHostName property instead of the default Name property.

Get-ADComputer 'ThisServer' | Get-QuserObject -Property 'DNSHostName'