GPO Startup Script - Practical PowerShell Download Command
Like most sysadmins that manage a lot of computers, I have a need for startup scripts. Also, I deploy those startup scripts to the computer via GPO. However, I prefer to download those scripts to the machine and run them locally. This allows them to run even if the computer isn’t currently connected to the network, like a laptop that’s off-site.
Additionally, I like logs of things I’m doing, so a simple log for something like this is to use PowerShell’s Start-Transcript
It should be the first command that you run.
We’ll also need to send stuff to the log; Write-Host
or Write-Output
will do the job well.
Here’s the download command that we use, including a legit $path
Start-Transcript -LiteralPath ('{0}\Logs\Download-HiddenPowershell.ps1.log' -f $env:SystemRoot) -IncludeInvocationHeader -Force
$path = ('{0}\UNT' -f $env:SystemRoot)
$uri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNT-CAS/HiddenPowershell/v1.0/HiddenPowershell.vbs'
Write-Host ('# Path: {0}' -f $path)
Write-Host ('# URI: {0}' -f $uri)
Write-Host '# Ensure Path Exists ...'
New-Item -Type 'Directory' -Path $path -Force
Write-Host ('# Net.ServicePointManager: {0}' -f [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol)
Write-Host '# Setting TLS 1.2 ...'
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Write-Host ('# Net.ServicePointManager: {0}' -f [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol)
Write-Host '# Downloading from URI ...'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile ('{0}\HiddenPowershell.vbs' -f $path) -UseBasicParsing -Verbose 4>&1
Now, we just have to make that a one liner and pass it to the powershell.exe
via -Command
powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command "Start-Transcript -LiteralPath ('{0}\Logs\Download-HiddenPowershell.ps1.log' -f $env:SystemRoot) -IncludeInvocationHeader -Force; $path = ('{0}\UNT' -f $env:SystemRoot); $uri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNT-CAS/HiddenPowershell/v1.0/HiddenPowershell.vbs'; Write-Host ('# Path: {0}' -f $path); Write-Host ('# URI: {0}' -f $uri); Write-Host '# Ensure Path Exists ...'; New-Item -Type 'Directory' -Path $path -Force; Write-Host ('# Net.ServicePointManager: {0}' -f [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol); Write-Host '# Setting TLS 1.2 ...'; [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Write-Host ('# Net.ServicePointManager: {0}' -f [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol); Write-Host '# Downloading from URI ...'; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile ('{0}\HiddenPowershell.vbs' -f $path) -UseBasicParsing -Verbose 4>&1; Stop-Transcript"
Too easy, right? 🤔
The problem with deploying this via a GPO Startup Script with PowerShell’s -Command
parameter is that GPO’s Script Parameter has a limit: 520 characters.
This command/script is currently 972 characters, just counting the parameters.
There are two ways, that I know of, to reduce the size of this command:
- Use/Create PowerShell Aliases.
- Use just enough of a function’s parameter name to be unique.
- i.e.: The
parameter can be shortened to-UseB
(case-insensitive of course); not-U
because there’s also aUserAgent
parameter and the first three letters of both parameters are the same.
- i.e.: The
Let’s start trimming things down …
PowerShell Command Line parameters
PowerShell’s command line parameters follow the same rule shortening as as functions. So here’s what we want to shorten; 82 characters not including the ellipsis:
-WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command "..."
Here’s the shortest we can make it; 24 characters not including the ellipsis:
-W H -Ex B -NoP -NonI "..."
Note: The -Command
parameter is assumed.
Parameter values that have a set list of possible values are auto-completed, just like the parameter name.
Adjust Code Using Aliases and Shortened Parameters
If we’re going to create an alias:
- Be sure it’s not already in use.
- Be sure we’re using the function enough times to make a difference.
Take advantage of positional parameters when code shortening.
Here’s the adjusted code block from the top of this article:
Start-Transcript $b'\Logs\Download-'$a'.ps1.log' -I -F
$d='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNT-CAS/{0}/v1.0/{0}.vbs' -f $a
'# Path: '+$c
'# URI: '+$d
'# Ensure Path Exists …'
ni -I D $c -F
'# '+$f+': '+$e
'# Setting TLS 1.2 …'
'# '+$f+': '+$e
'# Downloading from URI …'
iwr $d -O $c'\'$a'.vbs' -UseB -V 4>&1
Turns out I didn’t need to make any aliases.
If I needed to, I would have done so something like this: nal w echo
is an alias forNew-Alias
is my alias name -
is an alias forWrite-Output
- Yes, it passes through.
I could have shortened the strings even more, but I can only use single quotes inside of the command because the whole command needs to be passed inside of double quotes. There’s a few options for a putting a variable in a string; the first option can’t be done and the third is the shortest, in this case, so we used it:
('{0}\Logs\Download-{1}.ps1.log' -f $b,$a)
- Can only use this one when passing to a parameter.
I switch to using the ellipsis ascii character (…
; …
) instead of three dots (...
). Super handy to know that exists.
Note: Consider shortening the URL with your favorite URL shortening service; such as Google URL Shortener. If you make the URL within an account, you can usually see click/download counts.
Note: I kept the empty lines in there for keeping a readabile comparison, but I will remove them before proceeding to the next section.
Final Command
So, let’s use our command, from the previous section, but reduced down even more; 492 characters:
$a='HiddenPowershell';$b=$env:SystemRoot;Start-Transcript $b'\Logs\Download-'$a'.ps1.log' -I -F;$c=$b+'\UNT';$d='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNT-CAS/{0}/v1.0/{0}.vbs' -f $a;'# Path: '+$c;'# URI: '+$d;'# Ensure Path Exists …';ni -I D $c -F;$e=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol;$f='Net.ServicePointManager';'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Setting TLS 1.2 …';$e=[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Downloading from URI …';iwr $d -O $c'\'$a'.vbs' -UseB -V 4>&1;Stop-Transcript
You probably want to test it to make sure it’s working. Here’s how I do it:
$command = @'
$a='HiddenPowershell';$b=$env:SystemRoot;Start-Transcript $b'\Logs\Download-'$a'.ps1.log' -I -F;$c=$b+'\UNT';$d='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNT-CAS/{0}/v1.0/{0}.vbs' -f $a;'# Path: '+$c;'# URI: '+$d;'# Ensure Path Exists …';ni -I D $c -F;$e=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol;$f='Net.ServicePointManager';'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Setting TLS 1.2 …';$e=[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Downloading from URI …';iwr $d -O $c'\'$a'.vbs' -UseB -V 4>&1;Stop-Transcript
Invoke-Expression $command
If that runs as expected, we can run $command
via a powershell.exe command line parameter:
powershell.exe -W H -Ex B -NoP -NonI "$a='HiddenPowershell';$b=$env:SystemRoot;Start-Transcript $b'\Logs\Download-'$a'.ps1.log' -I -F;$c=$b+'\UNT';$d='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNT-CAS/{0}/v1.0/{0}.vbs' -f $a;'# Path: '+$c;'# URI: '+$d;'# Ensure Path Exists …';ni -I D $c -F;$e=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol;$f='Net.ServicePointManager';'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Setting TLS 1.2 …';$e=[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Downloading from URI …';iwr $d -O $c'\'$a'.vbs' -UseB -V 4>&1;Stop-Transcript"
Yah!! That’s 516 characters of arguments!! We can even put the URL in a shortener, as previously suggested, to get it down to 479 characters:
powershell.exe -W H -Ex B -NoP -NonI "$a='HiddenPowershell';$b=$env:SystemRoot;Start-Transcript $b'\Logs\Download-'$a'.ps1.log' -I -F;$c=$b+'\UNT';$d='https://goo.gl/PZcPxi';'# Path: '+$c;'# URI: '+$d;'# Ensure Path Exists …';ni -I D $c -F;$e=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol;$f='Net.ServicePointManager';'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Setting TLS 1.2 …';$e=[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;'# '+$f+': '+$e;'# Downloading from URI …';iwr $d -O $c'\'$a'.vbs' -UseB -V 4>&1;Stop-Transcript"
Now, just put it in GPO’s Script Parameters field; as shown:
Of course, the command is totally unreadable to most people, but it sure is short!
Be sure to write some documentation and/or create a description on the GPO with some details.
Maybe I should write an updated blog post about this.
I have this implemented in production to make HiddenPowershell and HiddenRun available on all of the systems that I manage. This allows me to execute PowerShell and other process completely hidden. Check out those if your interested.
If you don’t have room for it, remove the Stop-Transcript
from the end.
- It just gives a nice log footer with an end time; thus you can calculate total run time, if you so desire.
- Additionally, you don’t have to do logging at all.
If you have a longer PowerShell script that you want run on mobile devices, implement something like this:
- Drop the script in a repo.
- Public: github.com, gist.github.com, gitlab.com, gitlab.com/snippets, or pastebin.com work great.
- Private: gitlab.com or gitlab.com/snippets works great. Just make a Personal Access Token and tack it on the end of the URL for the raw download, like this:
- Download the script with the first Startup Script.
- Be sure to download the raw version of the script.
- Execute it with a second Startup Script.
- GPO Startup Scripts are run in order; hence the ability to order them.